[pullquote cite=”” type=”left, right”][amazon text=Amazon&template=carousel&chan=That Film Guy&asin=1451661193][/pullquote] In the race to find the worst film of all time, this is a real contender. Terrible acting, no plot, awkward dialogue “ The Room has them all in abundance. The first thing to note is that, having just watched this film, I still have no idea what The Room is. The film simply doesn’t explain that. No words can do justice to Tommy Wiseau, the star/director/producer/executive producer of this cinematic monstrosity.
The best I can do is to say he’s like the drug-damaged offspring of Sylvester Stallone and a partially melted Michael Jackson mask. His accent and manner are utterly incomprehensible, and the little chuckle he gives after most lines will make you want to remove your ears.
The main thing The Room needs, apart from being prevented in the first place, is a brutal edit. Every scene is far too long, largely due to the cringe-worthy gap between each line when you can almost see the actors struggling to remember the words written (if such dialogue can be written) by Tommy.
Characters constantly tell the audience how they are feeling and remind us what has happened so far, and in truth the film is close to being unbearable. The only way to enjoy this steaming pile of movie is to see it as an accidental comic masterpiece. Once you start laughing you will find it hard to stop.
There are too many moments of magnificently terrible film-making to list, but some deserve a special mention. Tommy’s chicken impression is worth the admission price alone, and the scene in which four guys play American Football in tuxedos for no apparent reason is also a classic.
By screen time alone, the main character in The Room is the see-though curtain on the bed where all the awkward soft-core sex scenes happen “ but Tommy (or his character Johnny) is undoubtedly the star of the show. No lover of terrible films should live without The Room in their life. Tommy, I hereby demand a sequel.
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